Wednesday, July 13, 2011

An Overflowing Heart

I have been so filled this week!  I am so humbled and encouraged by one particular family that has cared for us while we have been living at this church.  The Whites are an extraordinary family, whose love for and dedication to the Lord overflows in everything that they do.  Kris has cooked for us throughout the summer, and both Kris and Jwain have led our Sunday night Bible study.  Their lessons are called "Beyond Compare" and during these past five weeks, they have challenged us to let go of the ways that we compare ourselves to others--even to former versions of ourselves--and to ask God what He says about us.  When we let go of our petty comparisons, and when we inquire of God, we are able to more fully understand who He wants us to be, and to understand how uniquely precious that we are to Him.

Last Sunday night, the Whites did a remarkable thing for our team.  After the lesson, they asked us to write down all the comparisons that hold us back; then we ripped them up and threw them in a trashcan to be discarded.  This symbolized acknowledging that these things hold us back, giving them to God, and moving on.  Next, they gave each of us a card.  On the inside, they had written a new name for us and some verses of Scripture.  These weren't just random names.  They had individually and specifically prayed for each one of us, asking God to reveal a new name and Scripture.  My card read, "Mother of many hearts" and led me five verses, one of them being James 1:5: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.  I was overwhelmed by this kindness, knowing that they had taken the time to specifically pray over me, for me.

But that wasn't all.  As they gave each of us our card, they stooped down, taking the role of a servant, and washed our feet.  Their youngest daughter came over to me and washed my feet.  I could do nothing but quietly sob tears of joy and humility as this young girl washed my dirty feet.  The only words that kept repeating over and over again in my thoughts were, my heart is overflowing, my heart is overflowing. 

This family has impacted my life so much in such a short time.  They have given all 14 of us a beautiful example of a God-centered family.  Praise God for such encouragement and blessing.

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