Saturday, July 9, 2011


Last Sunday was family day!  It was so good to be able to spend some time with my dad, mom, brother, and boyfriend.  We didn't do a lot, but we had a great day of conversation, and I got to give them a tour of the church and our home away from home, Shelbyville.

At Cracker Barrel!

Visiting FBC Shelbyville

Walking around downtown Shelbyville

I received a beautiful necklace from my mom and dad.  I wear one half, my mom wears the other.

This week we have been spending our evenings at Open Door of Hope, the men's shelter in Shelbyville.  We have heard some powerful stories of how God's grace and mercy have lifted these men out desperation and given them a new hope.  They are so full of joy and grateful for our team; likewise, we are thankful for them too.  Since we spent the whole week there, we did a Bible study on the book of Jonah.  It was really neat to be able to do a study on a complete book, to see the entire picture and relate it to our lives and to the life of Christ.  One of the ways that we have tried to give the men a special treat was to cook "gourmet" meals.  We also took up an offering from among ourselves so that we could make them filet mignon on Friday.  Check out their website, Open Door of Hope Kentucky.

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