Thursday, June 23, 2011

God is good all the time

We are having a great week!  This is the week of the Shelby County fair, so we have a tent at the church (which is across the road from the fair grounds) and a booth inside of the fair.  We are offering free face painting, free Sno Kones and cotton candy, and free balloon animals.  It has been so much fun and we have met some wonderful people.  We have made friends with some of the carnival workers, and it has been so good to talk and spend time with them.  We hosted a pancake breakfast for the workers this morning and we are having a worship service in the morning.  

Last night was an amazing example of how God can use a potentially disastrous situation for good.  We were walking around the fair talking with people and watching the horse shows when the tornado sirens started going off.  We all headed back to the church, where the youth service had been moved to the basement for safety.  We invited all of the fair attendees who had parked at the church to come inside for shelter, and then two of our team members went back to the fair to invite the carnival workers to the church (all they had for protection were there bunk houses, cars, or tents).  Several of the workers came over to ride the storm out, and we were able to share the ABUNDANCE of snack food that we have.  We got to talk, play basketball, and play Solarium.  It was a great night with some good new friends.

Sitha, Krissy, and I on the way to Louisville for a free day shopping and hanging out.  Love these girls :)

Perfect day for baseball.  FBC Shelbyville invited our team to join them for the Bats v. the Mud Hens for their father's day outing.

Having fun at the game!

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