Friday, June 10, 2011

Grow(ing) in Grace

Today was the last day of Bible school and it was so great!  We have built some wonderful relationships with most of the kids and they seemed to have had a great week!  We invited them to church this Sunday (we will go pick them up) and we are really hoping that a lot of kids will be there to go with us.

Today was also our last day of discipleship with Tommy Johnson.  We studied the life of Peter; how he experienced the highest highs followed by the lowest lows, and how Jesus never disowned him but restored him instead.  The story of Peter is so interesting and relevant to us because he is so human.  The story of Peter perfectly exemplifies how the life of a disciple is defined by grace.  Peter doubted, spoke when he should have been silent, misunderstood Jesus, and disowned Jesus three times.  Logically, he then doubted whether he was a disciple, if he could ever be forgiven and welcomed by Jesus again.  But in a perfect example of grace, Jesus completely restored Peter and reaffirmed his purpose for Peter's life in John 21 by recommitting him to the mission of feeding his sheep.  In the same way, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:39).  The grace of God lavished on us by his Son is more than enough to forgive my sins and completely restore me to right standing with God.  I mess up so much.  And the deeper I grow in my relationship with Christ, the more I am convinced that there is nothing good in me and that I am completely hopeless without him.  His love is so deep.  His grace is so perfect.

Jesus is our compass.  In This Day With the Master, Dennis Kinlaw writes "The best thing to do when you have slipped into the flesh is to choose again to walk in the Spirit."  By his grace--and only by his grace--are we able to make that choice.

Know Christ.
Grow in grace.
Glorify Christ with your life.

This song helps remind me that God can never fail me.
"I may be weak, but your spirit's strong in me; My flesh may fail, my God you never will."

Give Me Faith


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