Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Upward and Onward

Last week was absolutely incredible.  The fair ministry was amazing, and we met a lot of new friends who work at the carnival.  We shared the Gospel and shared our stories through good conversations, a pancake breakfast, carnival rides, free lunch, basketball, and a worship service.  One of our new friends was baptized, and at least five people received Bibles.  We already miss them, but wish them the best in their travels and work. 

This week is already off to a great start.  We are coaches for Upward basketball camp here at the church.  We work with 1st-3rd grades in the mornings from 9:00-12:00 and with 4th-6th grades in the afternoons from 1:00-4:00.  The kids have great attitudes and are really trying to learn and play hard.  It is so much fun, and being tired at the end of the day is worth it.

A few of us went to Victory Baptist yesterday to help serve lunch.  Victory Baptist is a church on Main St. that hosts a free lunch Monday through Friday, which local churches have volunteered to provide every day.  We have been helping the FBC volunteers every Monday for the past month.  It has been so great to be able to give a good meal and have a nice conversation with the people of Shelbyville.  I have met some great people, and have also heard some heartbreaking life stories.  However, God is very much at work in this situation, and it is inspiring to see a community come together to provide for unmet needs.  Yesterday, we were able to give a New Testament audio Bible to a woman who cannot read.  She has no way of hearing God's word, unless someone reads it to her; but now, she can hear the Word whenever she wants!  

God is so good to us.

We went to the fair on Saturday!  Thanks to the FBC staff, we had our admission tickets and unlimited carnival ride pass paid for!  We also got to watch a horse show and a rodeo.  It was so much fun :)

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