Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Acts 1:8 Family

Wow.  These past three days have been so full of training, learning, and growing that I don't know where to start or how to tell everything. But, some things stand out more than others, that are definitely worth sharing...

During these three days of training, we have team time where we come together to get to know one another and prepare for the summer.  On day one, we set some team goals to keep us focused this summer:
1.     Give 110%.  Since this is technically mathematically impossible, we must rely on the Lord to supply this extra 10%.
2.     Choose joy.  In all circumstances, choose to have an attitude of joy, because it brings us pure joy to serve and seek the Lord.
3.     Choose the challenge.  We are going to get tired, frustrated, and sometimes we will want to quit.  But we must choose to persevere (and be reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:10: "that is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.")
4.     Be thankful.  This is an amazing opportunity, and God has already so richly blessed us.  Colossians 3:17.
5.     Be HERE.  There are so many people and experiences that are home while I am here, and I will miss them.  But I know I need to be here this summer.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  God is going to do big things, and He deserves my undivided attention.
Two important topics and two important lessons started: apologizing and listening.  I say lessons started because I have only just began to really grasp and study these elements that are crucial to every relationship.

We often talk of forgiveness, but rarely talk of making an apology for a wrong that we have done to another person.  It is important for any church, any team, any group to be able to take responsibility for their actions and genuinely ask forgiveness for a wrong committed against another person.  Yesterday we learned about the five languages of apology, which was adapted from the book by Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas.  It was an eye opening lesson that helped me understand what type of an apology I need to hear from others in order to truly forgive them.  At the same time, I learned what types of apologies that my teammates need to hear from me when I have wronged them.  Laying this foundation will help our team to be more real, more open, and more unified.    

Today we learned how to listen.  Who knew we needed three hours of instruction on listening.  We don't.  We need a lifetime of instruction!  Listening communicates to the speaker that we value them as a person, we value what they have to say, and we genuinely care about them.  There are so many barriers to listening that we must consciously work to remove and we must be persistent in developing good listening habits.  

Tomorrow we leave for Shelbyville and move in to what will be our home for the next five weeks.  Until next time (which will be sooner than last time!)


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